Movie in My View - Review

COMA (2019) - a Smart Medical Thriller

 People are finding themselves in a visually stunning world of shared memories. Where all the laws of physics can be broken. Life is substantially prolonged, but they're also hunted by monstrous creatures called Reapers.

Plot of the Movie: 
                        After a colossal and mysterious accident, a young talented architect awakens in a chaotic dystopian world filled with memories of comatose patients and non-existent laws of physics.

Nikita Argunov’s Sci-Fi Thriller, 'Coma' gets a visually stunning start. Viktor (Rinal Mukhametov) a struggling architect, wakes up in his apartment and finds himself in a visually stunning world of shared memories, where life is substantially prolonged. Then immediately he gets attacked by a shapeless, nearly-invincible and monstrous creature called a Reaper.

Viktor is rescued from the Reaper by a squad of soldiers that includes Fly (Lyubov Aksyonova) who loves Viktor in real world. She explains where he is and also about the world Coma. This world is based on the memories of the people who live in it. Human memory is spotty, chaotic, and unstable.

The leader of this group Yan (Konstantin Lavronenko) explains about this world, where he’s not tied to the limits of his body. He can develop his abilities to the level of a superpower. Since most of the people here have unique abilities, generally related to a skill they possessed in the real. For example, Tank is a dedicated fighter, while Astronomer is good with maps and numbers and Spirit can find the nearby Reapers before others.

As Viktor is an Architect in the real world, he learns to conjure bridges, walls, and buildings through mere thought, a skill which group leader plans to utilize by having him build an island utopia free from the reach of Reapers. Finally, he finds out the exact laws and regulations of Coma as he fights for his life, meets the love of his life, and keeps on looking for the exit to the real world which he will have to get acquainted with all over again after the experience of Coma. However, Coma has a few great narrative surprises up its sleeve, which I’d wager to say most won’t expect.

The Russian epic, Coma is probably the most visually-arresting Sci-Fi film. Though the story and characters are interesting, the real stars of the film are the eye-popping special effects and production design.  A twist late in the film does bring some discussion about reality versus illusion.

Coma is a “must watch” and carries that visual tradition to a new impressive level. Yeah, the CGI is obvious, but a hell of a lot of imagination went into creating this world. The movie has a pretty cool concept, too.

Director: Nikita Argunov..
Stars: Rinal Mukhametov, Lyubov Aksyonova, Anton Pampushnyy, Milos Bikovic, Konstantin Lavronenko.
Genres:  Sci Fi, Fantasy Thriller.
Running Time: 1h 51m.

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