"Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see."

"Extra Ordinary" is a quirky and hilarious supernatural comedy that successfully blends the otherworldly with the mundane to create a refreshing and entertaining cinematic experience. Directed by Mike Ahern and Enda Loughman, the film offers a delightful mix of supernatural occurrences, deadpan humour, and endearing characters.

Plot Summary:

The story revolves around Rose Dooley (Maeve Higgins), a small-town driving instructor with a not-so-small secret – she possesses the ability to communicate with the spirit world. Despite her paranormal talents, Rose is determined to lead a normal life and has distanced herself from her father's legacy as a renowned paranormal investigator. However, when a local man named Martin Martin (Barry Ward) seeks her help to rescue his daughter from a sinister supernatural cult, Rose is reluctantly drawn into the world of the extraordinary once again.

"Extra Ordinary" stands out for its quirky premise and the wonderful chemistry between its two lead actors, Maeve Higgins and Barry Ward. Maeve Higgins portrays Rose with a perfect balance of awkwardness, humour, and genuine warmth. Barry Ward's portrayal of Martin adds heart to the film, and their dynamic drives much of the humour and emotion throughout the story.

The film's humour is its strongest suit, with a mix of witty dialogue, absurd situations, and clever visual gags. The comedic timing is spot-on, and the film knows how to extract humour from both the supernatural and the everyday. While the comedy often takes center stage, the story also weaves themes of loss, acceptance, and the importance of connection.

"Extra Ordinary" is a visual treat as well, capturing the charm of the Irish countryside and blending it with the film's supernatural elements. The special effects, while intentionally kept low-key, enhance the film's comedic tone and never overshadow the characters.

If there's one minor critique, it's that the pacing can occasionally feel uneven, with some scenes dragging a bit more than necessary. However, the charismatic performances and the film's overall charm easily compensate for these minor lulls.

Final Verdict:

"Extra Ordinary" is a delightful surprise that brings a fresh and hilarious perspective to the supernatural comedy genre. With its charming performances, clever writing, and a healthy dose of eccentricity, the film proves that even the most extraordinary occurrences can find their place in the ordinary world. If you're in the mood for a light-hearted and offbeat comedy with a touch of the supernatural, "Extra Ordinary" is well worth a watch.

Director:  Mike Ahern, Enda Loughman
Stars: Maeve Higgins, Barry Ward and Will Forte
Genres: Comedy and Fantasy
Rating: R
Running Time: 1h 34m

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Extra Ordinary (2019) Trailer: